You’re unique and so is your style.

Thank you for choosing to buy a Rivarossa Botanicals DIY kit. If this is your first natural kit or one of many, please see below for further information on the 5 simple steps to naturally dying your material.

5 steps to our naturally dying kits

  • Soaking scrunchie in water

    Step 1 - Soak the Fabric

    Open your DIY kit and remove the material. The material is pre-treated in a natural organic product and ready to dye. This first step you simply soak the fabric in water and squeeze the water out before laying the fabric on your table.

  • Naturally Dying Scrunchie

    Step 2 - Lay Flat and Add Flowers

    Lay the material on a flat surface and cover with flowers.

    You can use both dried and fresh flowers in the dying process.

    If you want to add flowers to both sides of the material, use a piece of fabric to lay over the top of the first side after adding the flowers, then simply flip the material to add flowers to the opposite side.

  • natural dying bounding

    Step 3 - Wrap and Bound Tightly

    Wrap and fold the flowers within the fabric tightly. Then bound the fabric ball tightly with twine. Knot firmly.

  • steam process for natural dying

    Step 4 - Steam for 15mins

    Using a saucepan and steamer set, steam the bounded material for 15 minutes.

    Add the material to the steamer hot. Use tongs and be safe around the steam.

  • Naturally dyed large scrunchies

    Step 5 - Unbound and Reveal

    Untie the twine and unwrap the material. Slowly peel and remove the flowers from the material.

    Rinse and dry the Scrunchie ready for play.

  • Naturally dyed scrunchies

    Caring for your piece

    After drying the fabric, giving it a warm hair dry will iron out the creases and give it a fuller look.

Easy As